wukalina Walk
palawa Elder and the founder of wukalina Walk, Clyde Mansell, had the original vision for this community venture many years ago. He always knew it needed to take place on Trawlwoolway Country, in the state’s North East, because of the deep importance this area holds for palawa/pakana – the First Nations peoples of lutruwita (Tasmania).
The Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania (ALCT) established palawa Enterprises Pty Ltd (pET) to oversee the operations of wukalina Walk tourism venture within wukalina (Mt William National Park). pET is managed by a seven-member independent Board. wukalina Walk has been supported by Department of Premier and Cabinet, Tourism Tasmania and Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service. wukalina Walk has received financial support from Indigenous Business Australia, Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation and Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and been the beneficiary of support from a number of philanthropists and Tasmanian tourism businesses.
Launched in 2018, wukalina Walk continues to offer the opportunity for community members – especially young Aboriginal people – to connect with their culture on Country, to increase their knowledge and to share aspects of that culture with the broader community.
wukalina Walk